September 06

Maldives Marine Life: Underwater Adventures at Sun Siyam Resorts

couple snorkeling in maldives waters. view is from underneath them under water

The Maldives is celebrated for its diverse ecosystem and rich marine biodiversity. Upon landing in the Maldives, you’ll be instantly amazed at the picturesque landscape, which becomes even more majestic when you explore the underwater world. 

From the coral reefs to the manta rays, the Maldives marine life is a treasure to behold, and you have the opportunity to see it all for yourself on your next trip here.

In our guide below, we highlight some of the most marvellous sea animals that call this area home and provide the best ways for you to encounter them during your holiday at a Sun Siyam Resort. 

Discovering Maldives Marine Life

You’ll fall in love with the sparkling blue water, stunning sandy beaches and swaying palm trees in the Maldives, but to admire even more beauty, you’ll need to get your feet wet. Once you’re in the water, discover all the incredible marine life of the Maldives, from vibrant coral reefs to fish with all sorts of stunning colour patterns. 

Coral Reefs: The Rainforests of the Sea

Coral reefs play a vital role in the Maldives’ marine life. These colourful reefs, which are made up of thousands of tiny corals, called polyps, provide food and homes for hundreds of species of fish, along with sharks, crustaceans, sea turtles and more. 

In the Maldives, the coral reefs span from East Africa to Indonesia and are considered the world’s seventh-largest coral reef system and the fifth most diverse, making them a truly spectacular sight. This underwater rainforest features more than 180 species of coral, including brain, finger, plate and staghorn coral. 

Tropical Fish: A Kaleidoscope of Colors

The diverse coral ecosystem in the Maldives offers an underwater community for more than 2,000 species of fish. These tropical fish are attracted to the Indian Ocean’s warm, nutrient-rich water, contributing to the diverse marine life of the Maldives. 

Dip below the water’s surface in the Maldives and keep your eyes peeled for the orange clownfish, bright blue surgeonfish and yellow snappers. You’ll also come across angelfish, parrotfish, Picasso triggerfish and maybe even some pufferfish and porcupinefish.

Majestic Marine Creatures

Fish aren’t the only marine life that likes to swim around the coral reefs; other sea animals in the Maldives like it, too, such as turtles, whales and sharks! 

Sea Turtles in Maldives

sea turtle swimming in reef

When you swim, snorkel or scuba dive here, you may come across these ancient sea animals, which enjoy resting and foraging in the reefs. After all, the Maldives is home to five of the world’s seven sea turtles. The local sea turtle population includes loggerhead, olive ridley and leatherback turtles, as well as green and hawksbill turtles, which are endangered. 

What’s more, sea turtles in the Maldives are legally protected, as the island nation banned turtle trade and consumption in 2016. 

Manta Rays: The Ocean's Ballet Dancers

Three manta rays swimming together in a line

The manta rays in the Maldives are another coveted sight. Manta rays, known as “en madi" in the Dhivehi language, have made their home in this region. In fact, The Manta Trust says the Maldives feature the world’s largest population of manta rays, with an estimated 5,000 rays living in the area. 

The Maldives is also considered a manta ray sanctuary for reef and oceanic manta rays, the largest species of rays.

Sharks in Maldives

person swimming next to shark

If you want to see sharks in the Maldives, you’re in luck. Many species of sharks live in the Maldives, including blacktip reef farks, grey reef sharks, leopard sharks, whale sharks, nurse sharks and even hammerhead sharks. 

The Maldives is unique in that it’s the second country in the world to create a shark sanctuary, where it's illegal to fish or kill sharks. Furthermore, the Maldives has banned imports and exports of shark fins. 

Whales in Maldives

Whales are another kind of marine life in the Maldives you may have the opportunity to witness during your stay. Around 14 species of whales frequent this region, including blue whales, which are the largest whales in the world! You may also come across humpback, sperm and minke whales during your aquatic adventures.

Of course, dolphins are a type of whale, too, and there are plenty of these in the Maldives as well. Look out for spinner and bottlenose dolphins, which are some of the most common dolphins in the area. 

Snorkelling and Diving Adventures

From the tiny fish to the huge whales, it’s no wonder snorkelling and scuba diving are such popular experiences in Maldives!

Snorkelling in the Maldives

The beauty of staying at a Sun Siyam Resort is that there are snorkelling opportunities just steps from your accommodation! You can rent a snorkel, mask and fins and explore the underwater playground in the lagoon, or embark on a snorkelling adventure around the amazing reefs of the atoll. For even more fun, schedule a snorkelling tour of the shipwreck at Vaavu Atoll.

Diving in the Maldives

If you already have your scuba certificate, then join one of the many scuba diving excursions through Sun Siyam Resorts. Our diving tours take you out to open waters where you can marvel at the Maldives’ marine life, from the colourful fish to gentle sharks. You can dive during the day, but for a truly unique experience, try diving by moonlight! 

Not certified? No problem! At Sun Siyam Resorts, you can join the SSI Scuba Diver Course to get your certification within just a few days. After passing the course, you’ll be able to explore the wonders of the local waters with a dive professional. 

Unique Experiences at Sun Siyam Resorts

The Sun Siyam Resorts pride themselves on offering opportunities to witness marine life while also educating visitors on how to protect and preserve the local environment. 

Aquatic Adventures

Sun Siyam Resorts feature countless recreational opportunities for you to experience marine wildlife. 

For instance, if you’ve always dreamed of swimming with whale sharks, you can book one of the snorkelling adventures where you’ll get up close and personal with these giant creatures. Rather stay on dry land? Visit Manta Point at Sun Siyam Olhuveli, where you can see manta rays feed on plankton in their natural habitat from the comfort of the jetty. What’s more, you’re invited to board our cruises to see playful dolphins, whales and other sea life in the wild! 

Marine Conservation Programs

In addition to the opportunities to witness amazing marine life in the Maldives, Sun Siyam Resorts is committed to protecting the local environment. As part of our Sun Siyam Cares initiative, we focus on preserving marine life and coral reefs and involving our guests in our sustainable practices, such as coral binding and tree planting. We also strive to educate our guests on the importance of conservation.

Maldives Marine Life Awaits You

On your next holiday to the Maldives, get ready to be amazed at the spectacular marine life. Whether you put on some snorkel gear and swim around the lagoon, scuba dive out in the open water or embark on a cruise, you’ll be delighted at all the ways you can admire the sea life here during your stay.